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Founded in 1999, b|u|g studio is a multi-disciplinary design studio based in bangkok. The award-winning work spans the diverse in marketing, architecture interior and museum design, corporate branding, commercial advertising, and strategic branding



The combination of a passion for listening to clients, while offering innovative suggestions exemplifies our commitment to the project objectives. Thus, we are able to create compelling marketing materials and design strategies utilizing sustainable practices that accelerate the personal and business success of our clients.   b|u|g favors the one-on-one approach to the provision of customer service, and never engages intermediaries. We are committed to excellence by  offering clients sophisticated designs and innovative solutions.

Led by Winai Chairakpong from our studio in Bangkok, we strive to capture the best of the past and the contemporary in order to shape the future of the designed world.  Together with our group’s sister companies and inProductions we offer full range of creative services from design inception, strategic branding and execution of the contemplated visualization.



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Designer of the year Awards 2015
Winner interior design category

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Thailand property awards 2014
Winner Best condo development (Phuket)                                   
Baan Mai Khao condominium by sansiri     
by  Asia Property Awards

The international award IDA (international Design Alliance)
Winner The best pavilion category                                                   
Slow Hand Design’s Milan showcase in 2011   
by IDA (international Design Alliance) congress Taipei,Taiwan

Demark winner 2018
Winner packaging category
Srichand X Asava Color Creation : Betta
by Design Excellence Award (DEmark)



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